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Cyber Tips

Today, smartphones and other mobile devices are playing a major role in how people are entertained, communicate, network, work, bank, and shop. The number of smart mobile devices in the world has increased dramatically in recent years, and so has the challenge to find ways to secure those mobile devices....

Data security is essential for all small businesses. Customer and payment information, payroll files, marketing plans, financial records - all of this information is often impossible to replace if lost in a fire or stolen by cyber criminals. How you handle and protect your systems and your data is paramount to the security of your business, as well as the privacy expectations of your customers, employees and business partners....

In recent years, malicious software—malware—has become increasingly sophisticated, both in terms of how it is used and what it can do. By understanding the tools being used by criminals, we can better defend ourselves. Did you know? Many people who think their computer must be broken because it's running so slowly are simply the victims of malware....