Business Analyzed Checking Accounts - Sunwest Bank
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Business Analyzed Checking Accounts

Analyzed Checking

Unlike a standard business checking account, an analysis account is meant for those with relatively high numbers of transactions each month. Based on the monthly activity and balances of all your grouped accounts, you receive an earnings credit, which can often be used to offset monthly account fees. If your earnings credit is more than your monthly service charges, it can be used to purchase other bank services or to purchase checks.

Analysis accounts are also useful for keeping track of multiple accounts, each with a specific business function such as savings, payroll, operations, etc.

Open An Account


  • Minimum balance to open – $100
  • Monthly service charge – $20
  • System calculated fees based on balances and activity
  • Analysis charges are applied at month-end
  • Business accounts may be grouped together to increase eligible balances used in earnings credit calculations


  • Competitive earnings rate
  • Ability to reduce fee expenses directly related to account fees
  • Online banking
  • Bill pay and eStatements
  • Debit card